You could tackle one of these items every day over your morning coffee and in a little more than a week create the opportunity for additional site traffic. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is definitely something Larry John Wright can do for you. Give us a call. Here’s what you can do if you know how.

1. Review Your Robots.txt File; Assess Your Meta Robots Tagging

If you have a robots.txt file on your site, check by visiting /robots.txt. You may be surprised to find out you are withholding pages, folders, images, etc. from search engines that can drive traffic to your site.

2. Review Your Site Organic CTR by Page; Revise the Worst Page’s Title Element and Meta Description

The new world of SEO is heavily focused on the message you send, whether it be search engines or users. You must constantly be improving your site in the eyes of the search engine and you may retain some visitors at the same time.

3. Assess Canonicalization of Your Domain

Do your site pages exist at and If so then you need to create a permanent 301 redirect directing all non-www. site pages to the www. version pages of your site.

4. Review Your Most Frequently Linked Pages on Your Site

Finding a few of these can result in a few quick redirects to help boost the link value on the domain.

5. Review Your Site for Duplicate Title Elements

Do a quick check of duplicate title elements in Google Webmaster Tools. This can indicate duplicate pages, keyword cannibalization, and bad title element structure.

6. Find Your Most Authoritative Links; Request an Anchor Text Change

All your anchor text doesn’t need to be keyword-rich, but it helps to identify your strongest links and reach out to these sites and request a text modification to a non-branded are partially branded variation.

7. Review Your Link Targets in Your Site Navigation and Any Other Sitewide Links

By reviewing the links in your main, footer, breadcrumb and any other supporting navigation you can quickly assess if you have duplicate content issues with pesky default pages (e.g., /index.html).

8. Verify Your Google and Bing Local Listing

. It doesn’t take long to claim your listing and show search engines that you have control over your external profiles.

Need help with this? Give Larry John Wright a call or email us at