What’s Jerry Seinfeld’s prescription for bad car advertising? No more shots of speeding cars raising dust clouds in the desert.

“We’ve just got to rope off Death Valley and say, ‘No More,'” says Mr. Seinfeld. “No more.”

The star of the Web series, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” is entitled to weigh in on the modern state of advertising. In addition to starring in several Super Bowl commercials over the years, the co-creator and star of Seinfeld is now a copywriter himself.

Take for example Mr. Seinfeld’s deliberately bad Acura spoof the hokey car commercials of the 1960s.  Many say they’re so bad they’re good — and a perfect complement to a niche Web show aimed at comedy enthusiasts. Others think they’re just plain bad.

Acura serves as exclusive sponsor of Mr. Seinfeld’s Web series. Mr. Seinfeld’s comedic videos are perfectly aligned to Acura’s independent thinking, car enthusiast, target customers.

If the comedians are funny, they can be very good in advertising.

Seinfeld goes on to say, “You’re telling a story in 30 seconds. It’s the same as a joke. That confinement makes advertising a very easy thing for me. I’m used to working in that, ‘You’ve got to make this work in the first five seconds.’ When that commercial starts out with, ‘Hot, Handsome and a Honey to Handle,’ we’re five seconds in and you’ve already got a laugh. That’s how it’s very similar to writing standup. My gold standard are the Volkswagen ads from the 1960s. To me, that was the perfect image projection. I cannot stand seeing all this leasing information, and all the cluttered-up screens. I like a little graphic cleanliness to the advertising. But having a little sense of humor about yourself, to me, is the most potent type of image presentation. I think a lot of companies can use a little dose of that. Don’t take yourself so seriously.”